Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. thunbergii Date: 1896-08-22 Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K005931355 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. thunbergii Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K005931356 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. thunbergii Date: 1928-10-11 Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K005931357 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. thunbergii Date: 1897-08-24 Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K005931358 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. macrostylis Date: 1957-09-22 Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K005931359 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. macrostylis Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K005931360 View record
Species: Heliophila thunbergii Date: 1911-09-11 Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K000230414 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. thunbergii Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K000865835 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. thunbergii Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K000865836 View record
Variety: Heliophila thunbergii var. thunbergii Country: South Africa
Institution: Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew Collection: Herbarium Basis of record: Preserved specimen Catalogue number: Herbarium:K000865837 View record