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Occurrence record: Spirit:66889.0

Specimen of Thelypteris truncata recorded on 1994-02-03


Data resource Aspleniaceae
Institution code Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Supplied institution code "K"
Collection code Spirit
Supplied collection code "Spirit"
Catalogue number 66889.0
Occurrence ID
Basis of record Preserved specimen
Identified by Edwards, P.J.
Collector Edwards, P.J.
Collector number 3519
License other
Modified 2017-03-24
Supplied as 2017-03-24 17:17:33.123000
Occurrence remarks See Transparencies at K (crozier & selection of rhizome) Some fresh material collected in silica gel; Collected As Part Of The Malaysian Heritage And Scientific Expedition To Belum: Temengor Forest Reserve, 1993-1994
Occurrence status present
Abcd identification qualifier Not provided


Occurrence date 1994-02-03
Supplied date "1994-02-03 00:00:00.0000000"
Date precision Day
Event remarks Common large fern, on bankside and in wet silty-sand seepage area in canopy gap in forest caused by the fall of a large tree. Sphaerostephanos polycarpus often growing nearby. Rhizome erect, bulky, with a mass of black 'stilt' roots. Stipes at 10-20 degrees to the vertical. Fronds arching over with the tip of frond apex approx. horizontal. Lamina mid green adaxially with a silky sheen, abaxially similar but matt. Crozier covered on colourless slime. pneumathodes off-white or yellow.


Higher classification Aspleniaceae
Scientific name Thelypteris truncata
Supplied scientific name "Pneumatopteris truncata"
Taxon rank species
Kingdom Plantae
Family Aspleniaceae
Genus Thelypteris
Supplied as "Pneumatopteris"
Species Thelypteris truncata
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name match metric Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Scientific name authorship (Poir.) Holttum


Country Malaysia
Locality Perak: Belum, Temengor Forest Reserve. Halong velley, about 1km SE from an eastern branch of Temengor Lake and close to the Expedition Base Camp.
Habitat Lowland dipterocarp forest in dense shade
Latitude 5.53055555555556
Longitude 101.455555555556
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Minimum elevation in meters 320.0
Coordinate precision Unknown
Georeference protocol label
Country code MY

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