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Occurrence record: Herbarium:K009002447

Specimen of Lilium poilanei recorded on 2023-10-31


Data resource Liliaceae
Institution code Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Supplied institution code "K"
Collection code Herbarium
Supplied collection code "Herbarium"
Catalogue number K009002447
Occurrence ID
Basis of record Preserved specimen
Identified by Moore, R.
Collector Moore, R.|Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR)|Nguyen, V.D.|Quang, B.H.|Binh, T.D.|Thanh, T.X.|Whitbourn, A.|Mccully, S.
Supplied as "Moore, R.; Institute of Ecology and Biological Resources (IEBR) - Nguyen, V.D.; Quang, B.H.; Binh, T.D.; Thanh, T.X.; Blarney Castle and Gardens - Whitbourn, A.; McCully, S."
Collector number RM122
License other
Modified 2024-11-11
Supplied as 2024-11-11 15:58:37.763000
Occurrence status present
Abcd identification qualifier Not provided


Occurrence date 2023-10-31
Supplied date "2023-10-31 00:00:00.0000000"
Date precision Day
Event remarks Upright bulbous perennial. Stem glabrous, green with maroon colouration. Bulb onion-shaped composed of naked, triangular pointed scales, purple towards the apex, cream coloured at their base. Leaves alternate, spiralled around stem, subsessile, lanceolate, smooth, glossy green, margins entire. Flowers absent. Fruits held singly on horizontal pedicels from leaf axils additionally subtended by a small linear bract, pedicel becoming erect towards the apex, fruits a dehiscent capsule, 3-locular, green, turning marron-purple as the mature before drying and turning brown when seeds are released. Seeds are flattened disks piled tightly into each locule.


Higher classification Liliaceae
Scientific name Lilium poilanei
Taxon rank species
Kingdom Plantae
Family Liliaceae
Genus Lilium
Species Lilium poilanei
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name match metric Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Scientific name authorship Gagnep.


Higher geography Cú Nhù San
Country Viet Nam
Supplied as "Vietnam"
Locality Present immediately at forest clearing, exposed rocky scrub-meadow area 80m North of wooden cabin
Habitat Alpine meadow/open grassland scrub area with no tree cover.
Latitude 22.5954
Longitude 103.62596666666667
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Minimum elevation in meters 2342.0
Coordinate precision Unknown
Georeference protocol GPS
Municipality Cú Nhù San
Country code VN

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