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Occurrence record: Spirit:76793.000

Specimen of Eleocharis naumanniana recorded on 2013-02-20


Data resource Cyperaceae
Institution code Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Supplied institution code "K"
Collection code Spirit
Supplied collection code "Spirit"
Catalogue number 76793.000
Occurrence ID
Basis of record Preserved specimen
Identified by Browning, J.
Collector Heath, A.|Heath, R.
Supplied as "Heath, A.; Heath, R."
Collector number 2562
License other
Occurrence remarks Photos in PFNo 2243; %Associated plants Brasenia schreberi, Fuirena umbellata, Eleocharis sp., Fimbristylis sp., Nymphaea nouchali. Soil: Brown peat.
Occurrence status present
Abcd identification qualifier Not provided


Occurrence date 2013-02-20
Supplied date "2013-02-20 00:00:00.0000000"
Date precision Day
Event remarks A strange plant usually only visible as a mass of fine brown filaments in the peaty water of shallow lagoons. Multiple green stems arise from the fibrous roots. As the stems near the surface they become a pinkish brown and no green is visible. Late in themain rains minute flowers, c .1mm across emerge on the surface of the water at the apex of the filaments.


Higher classification Cyperaceae
Scientific name Eleocharis naumanniana
Taxon rank species
Kingdom Plantae
Family Cyperaceae
Genus Eleocharis
Species Eleocharis naumanniana
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name match metric Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Scientific name authorship Boeckeler


Country Botswana
Locality Shinde Lagoon, 0.93km North West of Shinde Camp, Okavango Delta
Habitat Shallow lagoon. Rooted in a shallow, slow flowing, peaty lagoon, c.1m deep to the sand below the peat. The only part of the plant to emerge above the water is the flowers which rest on the surface of the water.; %More information given
Latitude -19.1019444444444
Longitude 23.1352777777778
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Coordinate precision Unknown
Georeference protocol label
Country code BW

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