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Occurrence record: Herbarium:K000375435

Specimen of Blechnum finlaysonianum recorded on 1992-03-16


Data resource Aspleniaceae
Institution code Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Supplied institution code "K"
Collection code Herbarium
Supplied collection code "Herbarium"
Catalogue number K000375435
Occurrence ID
Basis of record Preserved specimen
Collector Awmack, C.S.
Collector number 128
License other
Occurrence status present
Abcd identification qualifier Not provided


Occurrence date 1992-03-16
Supplied date "1992-03-16 00:00:00.0000000"
Date precision Day
Event remarks Terrestrial. In mud in wet valley bottom. Erect fern to c. 70cm. Rachis purplish black and shiny. Midvein of pinna grooved above. Pinnae rather fleshy but slightly leathery. Large 'trunk' formed from dead rhizome. Rhizome scales/hairs dense, mid brown andlong (to c. 3mm). Leaf margin slightly inrolled.


Higher classification Aspleniaceae
Scientific name Blechnum finlaysonianum
Taxon rank species
Kingdom Plantae
Family Aspleniaceae
Genus Blechnum
Species Blechnum finlaysonianum
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name match metric Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Scientific name authorship Wall. ex Hook. & Grev.


Country Indonesia
Locality Near Muara Joloi, Project Barito Ulu.
Habitat Rekut site. Primary lowland Dipterocarp forest.
Latitude -0.03333334
Longitude 114.10000002
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Minimum elevation in meters 200.0
Maximum elevation in meters 300.0
Coordinate precision Unknown
Georeference protocol label
Country code ID

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