Occurrence record: Herbarium:K000076137
Data resource | Ranunculaceae |
Institution code |
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Supplied institution code "K" |
Collection code |
Supplied collection code "Herbarium" |
Catalogue number | K000076137 |
Occurrence ID | http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/K000076137 |
Basis of record | Preserved specimen |
Identified by | E. Milne-Redhead & W. b. Turrill |
Collector | Louis, J. |
Collector number | 5276 |
Type status | type |
License | other |
Modified | 2005-06-24 Supplied as 2005-06-24 10:38:24.837000 |
Occurrence remarks | Photo of type. Institut National pour l'Etude Agronomique du Congo Belge. Cat. P. N. A. 1940-41. Seen for 'Flora of Tropical East Africa'. Kew Negative no. 17496. |
Occurrence status | present |
Abcd identification qualifier | Not provided |
Occurrence date |
Supplied date "1937-08-17 00:00:00.0000000" |
Date precision | Day |
Event remarks | Herbe rhizomateuse dressèe de 20-60 cm de haut, formant un tapis dense avec les ombellifères. Fleurs blanches à corolle finement membraneuse. |
Higher classification | Ranunculaceae |
Scientific name | Ranunculus stagnalis |
Taxon rank | species |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Family | Ranunculaceae |
Genus | Ranunculus |
Species | Ranunculus stagnalis |
Taxonomic issue | No issues |
Name match metric |
Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly. |
Name parse type | SCIENTIFIC |
Scientific name authorship | Hochst. ex A.Rich. |
Country | Rwanda |
Locality | P. N. A. - Kabara , flanc N. du volcan. Karisimbi. Parc à Hagenia. |
Minimum elevation in meters | 3000.0 |
Country code | RW |