Occurrence record: Spirit:70000.208
Data resource | Cyatheaceae |
Institution code |
Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Supplied institution code "K" |
Collection code |
Supplied collection code "Spirit" |
Catalogue number | 70000.208 |
Occurrence ID | http://specimens.kew.org/herbarium/70000.208 |
Basis of record | Preserved specimen |
Identified by | Johns, R. |
Collector | Edwards, P.J. |
Collector number | 4218 |
License | other |
Modified | 2005-06-02 Supplied as 2005-06-02 13:00:38.727000 |
Occurrence status | present |
Abcd identification qualifier | Not provided |
Occurrence date |
Supplied date "1999-03-20 00:00:00.0000000" |
Date precision | Day |
Event remarks | Small tree-fern with trunk 35cm tall and 18cm diam., perched on the edge of a huge (6m diam. by 3m tall) boulder, rooting in a thick jacket of bryophytes and subshrubs. 10 living fronds present, plus the drooping remains of 3 old and dead fronds. Stipe (under the indumentum) light olive-green to pale yellow ochre, snapping off cleanly at the base when frond pushed down more than 30°. Pinnae leathery, olive-green and matt on both surfaces, all raised above the plane of the rachis at approx.100° to each other (see SKETCH). See measurements of fronds taken by R.J.Johns. Much larger (to 5m) ones nearby in grassland, appearing to be the same species. HERB ONLY (3 sets only). |
Higher classification | Cyatheaceae |
Scientific name |
Sphaeropteris atrox
Supplied scientific name "Cyathea atrox" |
Taxon rank | species |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Family | Cyatheaceae |
Genus |
Supplied as "Cyathea" |
Species | Sphaeropteris atrox |
Taxonomic issue | No issues |
Name match metric |
Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly. |
Name parse type | SCIENTIFIC |
Scientific name authorship | C.Chr. |
Country | Indonesia |
Locality | Mount Jaya, Papua. Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area: North Canyon, to the E of Bakopa Valley; adjacent to a small fast-flowing stream with rainfall/flow rate equipement. Helicopter access only. |
Habitat | Shallow high elevation valley. Subalpine scrub (mostly Coprosma) and tussocky grassland, with several large boulders and few tree ferns. |
Latitude | 3.98333333333333 |
Longitude | 137.133333333333 |
Geodetic datum | EPSG:4326 |
Minimum elevation in meters | 3600.0 |
Coordinate precision | Unknown |
Georeference protocol | label |
Country code | ID |