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Occurrence record: Spirit:70000.208

Specimen of Sphaeropteris atrox recorded on 1999-03-20


Data resource Cyatheaceae
Institution code Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Supplied institution code "K"
Collection code Spirit
Supplied collection code "Spirit"
Catalogue number 70000.208
Occurrence ID
Basis of record Preserved specimen
Identified by Johns, R.
Collector Edwards, P.J.
Collector number 4218
License other
Modified 2005-06-02
Supplied as 2005-06-02 13:00:38.727000
Occurrence status present
Abcd identification qualifier Not provided


Occurrence date 1999-03-20
Supplied date "1999-03-20 00:00:00.0000000"
Date precision Day
Event remarks Small tree-fern with trunk 35cm tall and 18cm diam., perched on the edge of a huge (6m diam. by 3m tall) boulder, rooting in a thick jacket of bryophytes and subshrubs. 10 living fronds present, plus the drooping remains of 3 old and dead fronds. Stipe (under the indumentum) light olive-green to pale yellow ochre, snapping off cleanly at the base when frond pushed down more than 30°. Pinnae leathery, olive-green and matt on both surfaces, all raised above the plane of the rachis at approx.100° to each other (see SKETCH). See measurements of fronds taken by R.J.Johns. Much larger (to 5m) ones nearby in grassland, appearing to be the same species. HERB ONLY (3 sets only).


Higher classification Cyatheaceae
Scientific name Sphaeropteris atrox
Supplied scientific name "Cyathea atrox"
Taxon rank species
Kingdom Plantae
Family Cyatheaceae
Genus Sphaeropteris
Supplied as "Cyathea"
Species Sphaeropteris atrox
Taxonomic issue No issues
Name match metric Exact match
The supplied name matched the name exactly.
Name parse type SCIENTIFIC
Scientific name authorship C.Chr.


Country Indonesia
Locality Mount Jaya, Papua. Mimika Regency, PT-Freeport Indonesia Concession Area: North Canyon, to the E of Bakopa Valley; adjacent to a small fast-flowing stream with rainfall/flow rate equipement. Helicopter access only.
Habitat Shallow high elevation valley. Subalpine scrub (mostly Coprosma) and tussocky grassland, with several large boulders and few tree ferns.
Latitude 3.98333333333333
Longitude 137.133333333333
Geodetic datum EPSG:4326
Minimum elevation in meters 3600.0
Coordinate precision Unknown
Georeference protocol label
Country code ID

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